In the past decade, leading national law firms have often endorsed the globalization trend of some of their core clients. This has lead to a flight in overhead costs, not always directly beneficial to clients’ needs. Also, this has opened opportunities for a law firm such as L & P Law Partners, to offer high quality legal services to corporate clients as well as start-up companies, both international and domestic, at competitive rates. The clients of L &P Law Partners shall value the benefits of diversifying among their legal service providers, depending on the matter and issue at stake.
L & P Law Partners share a common vision of how clients’ needs can best be served within a small modern business law firm:
• We are committed to deliver sound and pragmatic legal advice: short, quick and to the point; more elaborated if needed or required;
• We strive to help clients identify and focus on the relevant legal issues and provide the legal input they need to take the proper business decision.
• We highly value open, direct and personal relationships with our clients: legal business is people business;
• We value each matter entrusted to us and give it the attention it needs;
• We bridge the expectation gap between client and lawyer: Our lawyers and partners all have proven track record and experience which allows them to step into the shoes of the client and adopt the approach that works both from a legal and a business perspective without compromising on the quality of the legal advice.
Convinced that for a significant amount of legal services, a small “lean and mean” organization is the better solution for many clients, we decided to found L & P Law Partners.L & P Law Partners is ideally placed for the following client needs:
• Assist enterprises, financial institutions and private equity houses on mid-size investment or divestment transactions;
• Service international companies on a variety of corporate and commercial law issues, where the international reach of global law firms will not be of added value to the client; and
• Assist enterprises in commercial and corporate litigation before courts and arbitral colleges.
We benefit from an extensive network with specialists in other areas of law. These privileged relationships enable us to quickly field a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers, if and when the need arises.
If you need any additional information we will be most glad to assist. Just drop us an email
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